International Canoe 'Not the Worlds' at the West Kirby Sailing Club Sailing Festival - Day 6
by Gareth Caldwell 1 Sep 2022 14:05 PDT
27 August - 1 September 2022
As the fleet assembled for the last day they were delighted to see blue skies, even more delighted to smell the bacon cooking, and could hardly contain their excitement to see the wind indicator on the club pointing East! Fantastic!
With some fearsome gusts coming through, in a direction reminiscent of a drunk leaving the pub, the first mark was chosen was called Cliff. What could possibly go wrong?!
My view of proceedings was slightly limited due to playing submarines with the seals, although I have to say that beneath the water all was serine and calm.
Credit to Alex Colquitt who sailed excellently today and secured the overall title of Not the World Champion, closely followed by Andrew Potter. Alex was the youngest of the IC fleet, so the future looks bright for IC sailing in WKSC.
Thanks to Tony Marston and WKSC for putting on such an enjoyable week... good vibes, lots of micky taking, and a smattering of idea sharing!