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2022 505 Pre-Worlds start Friday

by Jordan Spencer 4 Aug 2022 15:25 PDT 3-13 August 2022
505 Pre-Worlds © Christophe Favreau

The pre-Worlds for the International 505 class start Friday 5 August, in Crosshaven, Ireland. Sailing from the world's oldest yacht club, conditions look challenging...

The pre-Worlds are targeting six races over the Friday and Saturday. The racing is from the Royal Cork Yacht Club in Crosshaven, Ireland. The location is picturesque and apart from being the world's oldest yacht club, the Royal Cork Yacht Club are also famous for their annual Cork Week regatta.

Crosshaven is at the mouth of the River Owenabue, which the second biggest natural harbour in the World, (according to the locals), and the last stop for the ill-fated Titanic prior to its crossing of the Atlantic. Racing is in the Atlantic Ocean, to the South-East of Roches Point Lighthouse. So far during training, sailors have experienced lumpy seas, and shifty conditions.

So far the wind has been strong, but from Friday it starts to wane. Today it is blowing from the North-West and the same is expected for Friday as it declines. The NW is directly offshore here at Crosshaven. For Saturday, the forecast includes all directions of the compass, but little pressure. On Friday, the tide peaks at 3.9m and 2.5m will move out to see by 6.00pm. And for Saturday the movement is similar but 1 hour later. Not a great time to be a PRO.

Perhaps the Pre-Worlds will be a time for the lighter teams to shine. Traditionally the 505 class has a contingent of talented female sailors competing and in lighter winds they can be deadly. Watch for the German team of Lena Stückl and Johannes Tellen, or the all female team of Nicola Birkner and Angela Stenger, (Angela has competed at all the 505 Worlds bar one since 1997). Regardless, whomever wins the Pre-Worlds will be deserving.

Interestingly, the RCYC first hosted the 505 Worlds in 1959 with this year's event being the 4th time hosting and the PRO, Peter Crowley has attended all four - the first as a young lad running the dollys' up the beach.

The racing for the World Championships actual, start Monday the 8th of August and finish on Saturday the 13th of August with 10 races targeted. The weather models suggest light and shifty weather all week, although there is a small possibility of a front coming through later in the week. Though, likely if I were a big crew, I would be passing on second helpings and the Guinness.

For those seeking a form guide, class stalwart Pip Pearson has published his annual podium picks, the 'runners and riders' for 2022. The dialogue is directed to 505 fans and he made his forecasts without the benefit of an up to date weather forecast, plus the standard of the fleet is so high any of the top 20 could win. Regardless, Pip has called it! Find it here:

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