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TARFish Bulletin June 2022

by TARFish 1 Jul 2022 07:38 PDT
TARFish Bulletin June 2022 © TARFish

Your views matter – can you help us develop the TARFish positions for calamari and flathead?

Calamari and flathead are some of our favourite fish to catch and eat and right now the Department of Natural Resources and Energy (NRE) are developing their policy positions (and rules) on both.

What's the issue and why does it matter?

Calamari stocks are said to be depleting due to combined fishing pressure from recreational and commercial fisheries and from the information we've seen, our view is that it is largely being driven by the commercial sector targeting spawning populations on the north west coast. There has been increasing interest in recreational fishing for Calamari in recent years.

The stock status of Sand Flathead has, also, been listed as 'depleting', and fishery independent surveys have observed relatively low numbers of legal sized fish in areas that are fished heavily. Flathead is considered a highly important recreational fish species, making up 70% of all finfish caught. In a 12 month period in 2017-18, 1.7 million Flathead were caught.

Both fisheries are important recreational fisheries and we want to make sure that we can continue catching these fish, sustainably. So we can best represent you, TARFish will be developing formal positions of both so we can advocate on your behalf and we need your input to do that. In the next couple of weeks, TARFish members will receive an email asking you to consider a draft position on both calamari and flathead and providing your feedback. We will also invite all recreational fishers to have their say so please follow us on Facebook as we'll post the link there too.

In the meantime, you can read our response to NRE's draft position on calamari here. In a nutshell, TARFish strongly supports returning the calamari fishery to a sustainable level BUT does not currently consider that bag or possession limits should be cut for recreational fishers as the issue is largely being driven by commercial over-catch.

Once in a generation chance to protect the rights and aspirations of recreational fishers with the review of the Living Marine Resources Act

The LMRA does not currently provide for explicit recognition of the rights, aspirations and contributions (social, economic and environmental) of recreational fishers.

The Living Marine Resources Act (LMRA) review is a once in a generation opportunity to do that.

TARFish believes a new Act is necessary rather than a series of amendments to the current one. It is likely that a new Act would better serve best practice fisheries management and have the capacity to respond to emerging challenges.

If you're into legislative reviews please read full submission here.

The Government's summary report of all submissions to the discussion paper is due out this month. In November, a White Paper will be released for public consultation. We'll be in touch with TARFish members seeking their views on the White Paper once it is released.

Rock Lobster Rules

It wouldn't be an edition of e-news without talking rock lobster!

Here is a snapshot of what we do and don't support and you can read the full submission here.

You can also read the full TARFish rock lobster position here. Developed in consultation with recreational fishers in 2020.

Election wrap-up

Well, there is a new Federal Labor Government following the election on 22 May. There was very little said in the campaign about recreational fishers and even fewer commitments by either major party. We need to change this for the next election.

The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) is the national peak body for recreational fishers and they are reviewing the campaign and will be planning for the next Federal election from now. Importantly, the new Fisheries Minister, Senator Murray Watt, is holding a round table with the seafood sector to talk about the National Fisheries Plan and ARFF is there representing Australia's 5m recreational fishers who are estimated to spend approximately $10b annually.

Here at TARFish, we campaigned hard for weather stations to improve fishing safety and worked with Tasmania's fishing peak bodies to lobby for kelp restoration and long-spined sea urchin management. Whilst we didn't get any big commitments, we'll keep working hard to secure government support for these very important initiatives. Stay tuned!

Welcome to our new projects and communications officer!

TARFish has recently welcomed Vere Michiels on board as their Projects and Communications officer. Vere has a background in Fisheries Management and Marine Conservation and is a keen fisher. Living on the East Coast, she spends the majority of her spare time in, on or near the water. She has previously worked as a research assistant at IMAS, an oyster farmer, and as a consultant in the blue-carbon space. She also works with OzFish Unlimited and is their senior officer in Tasmania, leading Habitat Restoration projects that support abundant fisheries.

We asked Vere why she is interested in joining TARFish and working with recreational fishers:

"TARFish's goals are highly aligned with my values. I think it is incredibly important that everyone's voice is heard and represented in a way that underpins science-based decision making relating to fisheries, so that we can continue fishing for many years to come. Engaging with rec fishers and other stakeholders is the most valuable tool we have to successfully create sustainable fisheries. Everyone should be given the opportunity to provide their input and opinions. This way, we can hope to influence decision-making so that the majority of people involved are happy with the outcome. TARFish does a great job at this, providing direct a link between community and government."

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