Allen Solo class National Championship and Nation's Cup 2024 at Brightlingsea Sailing Club - Preview
by Will Loy 12 Aug 2024 10:19 PDT
22-25 August 2024

Allen Solo class National Championship and Nation's Cup 2024 © Will Loy
With just over 21 days to go, we have 96 competitors entered into the premier Solo event of the year. A message from NSCA Class President Guy Mayger...
"Hello dear Solo sailors,
Nearly time for our National championships and the final plans are coming together.
Fantastic to see the entry hitting the 90-sailor mark and I believe there are still a couple more names who've yet to get their booking in.
I'm sure Will is going to go into more detail, but looking at the entry list the Solo Nationals is once again going to prove itself to be one of the most highly contested championships of the year!
With multi champions, World champions from other fleets, super-fast stalwarts and no doubt, some surprise performances, this is going to be a tough one. Exactly what we love about our class.
Our hosts at Brightlingsea are getting fully prepared and looking forward to the fleet arriving.
I'm awaiting confirmation of names, but a huge shout out to the three BSC members who have very kindly sponsored a barrel of beer each for the first 3 days of racing! You will be very popular with thirsty athletes!
Speaking of beers, the President's Pint will still be on offer to whoever leads round the first windward mark in each race. Last year I got lucky as nearly all our leaders were non-drinker (not that that is a bad thing), but I will extend the offer to a soft drink as well.
What with tally-off drinks sponsored by Noble Insurance we'll be keeping you well hydrated.
With this being a combined Nationals and Nations Cup it's great that we'll have a nine-boat representation from our Dutch association friends. As we saw at the Spring Cup earlier in the year, the Dutch fleet are coming on strong and will present an even greater challenge, so I hope everyone is fully prepared in mind, body, and boat.
I look forward to seeing you all there!"
Beer Tokens
Brightlingsea Sailing Club will be hosting and are deep into pre-event organising and this includes the purchase of barrels of beer, we have added an amendment to the SI's so every sailor will HAVE to drink half a pint on remittence of their token and if i had my way they would have to down it in one go. The design of the tokens is being kept secret as it has come to our attention that serial entrepreneur Chris Brown has been contacting local firms for a bulk purchase.
We would ask that each competitor raises their glass to class insurer Noble Marine, they keep us on the water and buy us a beer afterwards.
Title Sponsor
Allen Brothers are our title sponsor and they will be providing some very generous Allen vouchers/hardware, Simon Potts will be racing one of the Demo Solos, fully fitted in Allen hardware of course so go and take a look.
Vice Prez/Sponsorship Co-ordinator Paul Davis has also managed to source additional sponsorship from Lifejacket Skin Protection, Impact Marine, KLG and has a few other irons in the NSCA fire.
Not to be outdone, three Brightlingsea club members have very generously donated barrels of beer for the evening socials, Friday's A.G.M. may well be packed out.
Allen will be providing a talk on Solo fit-outs from ball stoppers to bushes, I anticipate a full auditorium.
Compulsory Evening Attire
Of course, no Championship is complete without the NSCA event T-Shirt, I expect the streets of Brightlingsea to be dotted with groups of Solo logo'ed punters, some attempting to pull off the Hawaiian beach short/ flipflop look while other more mature individuals opt for the standard Chino/Dubarry Regatta deck shoe. Shaun Welsh is the Association's fashion influencer but just don't go down that road, the Thai inspired Sarong didn't catch on and I doubt Egyptian cotton will either.
Daily Prize Draw
Much of the event will undoubtedly revolve around the social side and NSCA President Guy Mayger will hold the daily Prize Draw live. You have to be there to claim your prize. It is almost more fun to hear the cheers of derision when someone who is not there is announced than the applause when they are there.
Malcolm Buchanan was the very lucky winner of the 'first to fifty' competition which promoted early entry to the event, he wins free entry so he has to come.
Additional Sponsorship
Allen will be dishing out some vouchers and from a photographic perspective I hope Allen hull stickers will be on show.
Rob Jenks at Milanes Foils, builder of possibly the finest centreboards and rudders in the Universe has very generously donated a rudder blade and being one for detail, the rudder will be constructed once the he knows who's stock it must fit. In the meantime, we will knock one up out of cardboard, purely for photographic purposes, please do not try and use it.
Chris Brown of CB Trailers and Coverstore is generously providing a 25% discount voucher on a combination trailer, only redeemable at his store, of course, you can take it to another manufacturer and see what they say but his combi's are awesome.
Andy Davis needs no introduction and his HD Sails are used by many of the fleet so winning an iconic HD Sail T Shirt or emblazoned baseball cap will be very popular and could even sway the winner to change sails to match their apparel.
Lifejacket Skin Protection are providing 3 sets of their very popular skin protection combo packs plus moisturisers and Sun Sticks. Protection of the skin in our sport is vital so even if you do not win we would ask you to take a look at their products.
Impact Marine have donated a full length mast bag to keep your spar in tip top condition and some rudder bags to stop you bashing the edges of your blade. Thanks to the team at Impact for the very generous contributions.
Class Insurer Noble Marine, already covering the cost of the daily 'Tally Beer' are also giving us Noble caps so thanks to the team and if you want to protect your Solo, go to Noble.
Giles Scott trusted the Shock Sailing customised tiller extension, so you should too. They are donating a carbon stick and a number of UJ's.
Oliver Davenport will be featuring at the pointy end of the fleet, so maybe wait until he is off the water before asking about anything P&B. The 'go-to' online shop for sails, hulls, spars and chandlery, whatever you win in the Prize Draw, it will be good.
It's Carbon Fibre but not as you know it! Bored with the standard black carbon, CF by L and L produce custom extensions and spinnaker poles in a huge range of spec and colour. The team are donating an extension and UJ's.
The Solo Class has led the way with media since 2012, the Solo YouTube Channel has 1000 subscribers, over 500 event and coaching videos and 718,563 views, maybe that is why DVD training video sales have dropped off?
We have four dedicated deck cams which will bring all the cockpit action to the screen, whether it be witnessing the finesse of a heavy air roll tack, the incompetence of dropping the tiller or, if it's Paul Davis, both.
Whatsapp Nationals Group
Whether you are competitor or spectator, scan the QR Code and join the dedicated media stream of photos, short video clips, interviews and gossip. Racing conditions, tips, top mark positions and top five finishing order in almost real time! It's like you are with me in the Media rib.
Daily Camera Jockey Selection
The daily prize draw will incorporate the selection of camera jockeys for the next days races, these will then provide entertainment for the evening on the club TV screen. While 'the chosen' can refuse to participate, be warned, I will be on the media rib and may well follow you for the entire day! These cameras can elevate your performance though even the edition of all four would do little to improve Patrick Burns position. My hope is that Vince Horey is one of the lucky winners, always good for some sort of start line cock-up and provides some great R42 examples....pre race of course. As an aside, I understand Vince is still telling BT he is on an Olympic campaign so we wish him luck for Los Angeles.
On Water Jury
Steve Watson has just about recovered from the 2021 Mount's Bay excitement and will be on-hand to ensure fair play though it is uncertain which race days he will attend. Fortunately my ample girth, similar limited choice in sailing apparel, steely stare and ridiculous hat should be enough to incentivise rule 42 compliance.
Daily Race Bib and Trophy Presentation
The top three after each day will be awarded the hallowed podium rash vests, more than likely along with the race trophies, applause, patting of backs and shots for them so they don't win the next day. We will also be presenting category bibs for the leading Lady, Veteran, Grand Master and Septimius, colours yet to be determined.
Wally of the Day
Fancy showing off in Essex in a Gold Jacket and Baseball Cap, just do something stupid in front of your competitors or if you have a potential candidate in mind, contact Chris Brown.
The Pecking Order
I have my personal favourites and these are not necessarily the best sailors, they just look the best through my lens. Mark Lee takes on a whole new persona when he dons his lycra top and wrap around glasses and looks every inch the superstar in the boat, winner of the Spring Championship in 2023, he could pop up with a bullet in the short chop Brightlingsea produces if it's offshore, just don't smile, it ruins the mystique.
Oliver Turner, guns glistening and also masked in wrap-arounds more popular in snowboarding circles is the loose canon of the fleet, fit as a triathlete who likes a cake or two, top ten overall if he gets through the first day. Ideally he will have a shocker, pack up and get his drone out.
Mike Barnes will be racing his re-furbished wooden Beckett/Gosling 'Top Drive'3847, the former NSCA President has been acclimatising in Nigeria so either he knows something or he has never been to Essex. I have known Mike for many years and his attention to detail is quite something, he can also roll a fag in a force 5.
Essex is a hotbed of Vintage Solo racing, Leigh on Sea is ground zero and they will be sending the brothers Tothill, Robin and Matt (3958, 3987) while Richard Dean 4222 and Todd Grady-Gales 4084 will also be contesting for Vintage honours.
The Vachers Cup
We are proud to have at least four ladies racing at the regatta, Maria E. Franco, Justine Davenport, Elaine Turner (NED) and Mandy Horton so it promises to be a pulsating series. Sadly Sal Erskine-Furniss had to drop out through injury so we wish her well and hope husband Kim enjoys doing the chores for a month or two....Entry is still open!
Flying Dutchmen and Woman
The Dutch have come in some force (10) with Menno Huismann, Ted Bakker and Pim Van-Vugt providing the point to the Nederland's warhead and Class Chair Paul de Geus will be keen to beat our own leader in the Battle of the Presidents. There is no actual prize but I assume some mutual gifting of clogs and fish and chips will take place after the finale. Interestingly Hans Duetz will be competing and should be in buoyant mood following his daughters recent gold medal in Paris 2024 so possibly a good opportunity to try your luck getting water at the gybe mark.
Talking of Presidents, ex Steve Ede has been training at the venue for a number of months and his open meeting results are up there with his 2000/2005 form, certainly one for the top ten and a serial race winner. He also turns on the style when the camera is on him, bizarrely and in direct conflict with the Mark Lee smile, his is loaded with menace.
If it is light then Jonny Coate and Nigel Thomas are the go-to specialists, light and agile and both filled with the calm demeanour required when the wind is fickle and the sea is slack. I love watching them style it out from the Jury rib, safe in the knowledge that they never transgress.
Possible Podium
Of the main players, Charlie Cumbley, Andy Davis, Tom Gillard and Oliver Davenport should be an absolutely fascinating battle and I just cannot call it. Add Guy Mayger, Martin Honnor, Chris Brown, Fergus Barnham, Alex Butler and Paul Davis and we have a ready made bun fight on our hands. I have been a baker for 45 years and I know what a mess that makes.
Among the big improvers, and based on the recent Dittisham event I would predict Shaun Welsh to start really badly and slowly pull himself up to mid-fleet with Vernon Perkins doing the opposite.
Hyland, Simpson, Mayhew and Derham can all feature through the event but which will show the consistency required for a 10 race series. Fascinating unless you hate sailing and humanity.
With currently 96 entries confirmed, the Allen 2024 Solo National Championship and Nation's Cup is set to be brilliant so join me on the water via the Nationals WhatsApp link and follow the racing on and off the water.
Racing starts
Thursday 22nd - 2 Races - First start 13.00
Friday 23rd - 3 Races - First start 11.00
Saturday 24th - 3 Races - First start 11.00
Sunday 25th - 2 Races - First start 11.00
The Social Programme
Honestly, the Solo Class really do not need to go down the fancy dress route, if you see some of the clothes we wear you would understand, it's an age thing. Instead we rely on the sailors making fools of themselves on the water and hopefully the damning footage is aired back to them in the bar. So, ridicule and embarrassment rank high on the social theme but to see some of the more talented sailors racing the Solo to it's highest standard is always inspiring.
Below is a broad outline of the social timetable but look out for amendments to times and sponsorship donations.
Bar Opening Hours
Galley opens at 8.00am
We anticipate the majority of the fleet will arrive in Brightlingsea on Wednesday, rig up and test out the race area before checking into various hotels, B+B's or campsites. The club will have food available from the bar and, unless you are taking this Championship very seriously, alcohol can be purchased too.
Equipment Inspection will take place between 1.00pm-5.00pm.
Deck Cam draw will take place in the evening, I will fit the cameras on race days and give really complex instructions on how to push the record button.
Thursday Day 1
Galley open for bacon rolls etc from 8.00a.m
After racing;
Noble Marine Tally Beer
Hog Roast (included in entry, extra tickets @£15 from race office at registration).
Brightlingsea S.C. barrel of Beer for competitors.
Daily Prize Giving and Prize Draw, including Leader Vest and Deck Cam Allocation from 9.00pm.
Entertainment provided by Deck Cam Jockeys.
Friday Day 2
Galley will be open from 8.00am
After racing;
Noble Marine Tally Beer
NSCA Annual General Meeting 7.00pm
2 course Club Supper available from 6.30pm @£15, tickets available from the race office at registration. Menu TBC.
Brightlingsea Barrel of Beer for competitors.
Daily Prize Giving and Prize Draw, including Leader Vest and Deck Cam Allocation from 9.00pm.
Entertainment, education provided by Deck Cam Jockeys.
Saturday Day 3
Galley open from 8.00am
After racing;
Noble Marine Tally Beer
Sausage Casserole and Dessert (included in entry, extra tickets as per Day's 1 and 2.) Vegan, Vegetarian and special dietary needs will be catered for, confirm at registration please.
Brightlingsea Barrel of Beer for competitors.
Daily Prize Giving and Prize Draw, including Leader Vest and Deck Cam Allocation from 9.00pm.
Entertainment, knowledge, enlightenment provided by Deck Cam Jockeys.
Sunday Final Day
Last chance to get your bacon fix. Galley open from 8.00am
After racing, you are driving, don't be silly.
Prize Giving as soon as possible in the clubhouse which will have snacks available.