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Rooster SB1 Inshore Range

Byte National Championship at the Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy

by Duncan Glen 3 Aug 2024 03:10 PDT 26-28 July 2024

It was fitting to see the Olympic rings on arrival at WPNSA for the Byte Nationals, this year shared with the Lowrider Moths. The weather gods were kind as we were blessed with glorious sunshine throughout (apologies to those poor early arrivers who were drenched on Thursday) and a good variety of wind strengths. The CII and smaller CI rigs sailed together in the event that was generously sponsored by Hartley Boats and Rooster.

The schedule was; two races on Friday, four on Saturday (either side of a lunch break) and two more on Sunday. Friday started proceedings with a steady 10 knots blowing over Chesil Beach from the SW. The leading CIIs were all of a similar pace and it was clear from the outset that nobody would have things their own way.

Jess Skelding (Windsford Flash) found the conditions to her liking in the CIs posting two 1st followed by Ellie and Josh Pickard (Bowmoor) who shared 2nds and 3rds keeping Jess on her toes throughout. Overnight Duncan Glen (Spinnaker) just lead the CIIs from Rick Whitehouse and George Jacob (Combs) and Kirsten Glen (Spinnaker).

Saturday morning followed in a similar vein to Friday with Jess continuing to lead the CIs and the front four of CIIs sharing the spoils. However, the clouds had been building up over the land and the classic Weybiza sea breeze kicked in after lunch bringing a change of conditions and fortunes.

The building breeze and increased sea state called for different skills and strategy. The CIIs were at the top of their comfort range whilst the CIs were loving it. Heading left up the beats to flatter water outweighed any potential advantage to be gained from heading out to the lumpy right.

The first run of race 5 shook up the running order as an incident between the leading pair of Rick and Duncan saw the latter taking a penalty and dropping back to 4th.

George won race 6 which put him on top of the leader board overnight. Ellie and Josh Pickard showed their obvious liking for the windier conditions by taking 1st and 2nd respectively in both of the afternoon races. The CIs reveled in the breeze and it was inspirational to see the massive grins of their helms faces.

Sunday dawned with more sun but less breeze. After a short postponement the fleets headed out to the race course for the final two races in 5 knots. To much cheering as she crossed the finish line, Kirsten lead race 7 from the start to take her first Nationals win and make her the fourth different race winner of the CIIs. Duncan followed in 2nd keeping a wary eye on Rick and George behind.

Rick nailed the start of the final race to take his third win of the series with Duncan in 2nd once more to retain the overall title. Special mention to William Hinnigan (Bowmoor) who had been suffering boat issues for the first two days but demonstrated that he is more than capable of mixing it at the front end when everything works.

In the CIs, Jess was back on winning form wrapping up the series with another two bullets followed overall by Ellie and Josh.

The Academy proved perfect hosts with slick race management and astute decision making - thanks to all of the organizers, particularly to whoever arranged the weather as it could not have been better.

Overall Results:

PosNatSail NoHelmClubCategoryR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8Pts
Byte CI fleet
1GBR3745Jessica SkeldingWinsford Flash SCJunior1111‑3‑3116
2GBR3561Ellie PickardBowmoor SCJunior2‑3‑42112311
3GBR664Joshua PickardBowmoor SCJunior‑322‑4223213
4GBR3555Sarah HinniganBowmoor SCJunior4433(DNS [5])(DNC [5])DNC [5]DNC [5]24
Byte CII fleet
1FIN3298Duncan GlenSpinnaker SCAdult1212‑4‑32210
2GBR3693Richard WhitehouseCombs SCAdult313‑41‑43112
3GBR3587George JacobsCombs SCYouth2‑32131‑4312
4GBR2950Kirsten GlenSpinnaker SCAdult‑4‑443221416
5GBR3559William HinniganBowmoor SCYouth‑5555555(DNC [7])30
6GBR3593Ellie MarshallBowmoor SCYouth(RET [7])(DNC [7])DNC [7]DNC [7]DNC [7]DNC [7]DNC [7]DNC [7]42

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