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Byte Inland Championships at Bowmoor Sailing Club

by Duncan Glen 27 Sep 2022 15:53 PDT 24-25 September 2022
Byte Inland Championships at Bowmoor © Tom Whittingham

A healthy turnout of twenty-two Bytes descended on the azure blue waters of Bowmoor for the traditional end of season Inland Championships. The appeal of these great little single-handers was demonstrated by the diversity of the entry list that boasted an equal split between the sexes and an age range from early teens to..... (I'll say no more).

With four races on the Saturday and two on the Sunday, a leisurely start provided ample time for visitors to arrive, rig, catch up and pitch tents before racing commenced. Competition was tight throughout the fleet in every race with many close (and sometimes noisy) battles spiced up by the odd capsize. In a shifting breeze, getting a good start and first beat were the keys to success.

Results on the first day were dominated by Victoria Theaker, Rick Whitehouse (both from Combs) and Duncan Glen (Spinnaker and Parkstone) who were separated by just 2 points overnight. The final race of the day was a classic with Rick successfully defending his lead from everything that was repeatedly thrown at him.

On a chilly Sunday morning competitors awoke to a flat calm with the only ripples on the lake being caused by wild swimmers and geese. After a short postponement the breeze filled in - slightly less than the day before but just as shifty. The conditions were obviously to the liking of "young" George Jacobs (Combs) and Charlotte Hitchmough (Bowmoor) who mixed things up at the front.

In race 5, whilst George, Duncan and Rick were battling for the lead, Victoria and Charlotte headed left on one of the beats to hook into a nice port lift and cruise into the lead. Victoria was never seen again, lining up a "winner takes all" finale.

With Rick uncharacteristically buried on the start line, and Victoria behind George and Charlotte, Duncan was sitting pretty in the lead until somebody turned off the breeze. As the front of the fleet concertinaed Victoria closed in for the kill but just ran out of race track, leaving a much relieved Duncan to take the gun (well, hooter) and with it the championship.

A smashing way to finish the season at what must be one of the friendliest clubs on the circuit - a big thanks to John Banbrook and his team of many helpers. It was great to see many new faces (particularly those from the home clubs youth production line) mixing it with the more experienced travellers.

This bodes well for next season - roll on 2023.

Overall Results:

Top Junior - George Jacobs (Combs)
Most amount of sailing - Kieron Cooke (Bowmoor)

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
13298Duncan GlenSpinnaker SC & Parkstone1132518
23716Victoria TheakerCoombs SC23131410
33693Richard WhitehouseCombs SC32213511
43575George JacobsCombs S.C.54442216
53616Charlotte HitchmoughBowmoor65654323
61Esther HeathcoteBowmoor SC767614632
73729Matthew EnglishBowmoor4751061032
83583Alex DaviesBowmoor Sailing Club81211118745
93737Mary CooperThorney Island Sailing Club12810127845
10356Ellie PickardBowmoor SC9111279945
113565Clare MachWeston Sailing Club101099121450
123709William SearsChristchurch Sailing ClubDNF988161253
133736Darren AndrewsIsland Sailing Club11141313101561
143559William HinniganBowmoor SC13151714111164
153620Angie ValeAlton Water SC14131415181672
163613Martin CarrBowmoor19191816131379
173569Adrian MillsCombs SC161615DNS19DNS89
18638Julia BottenWeir Wood Sailing Club18181617DNSDNS92
193593Ellie MarshallBowmoor SC1520DNSDNS171893
202956Monty HeathcoteBowmoor SC21DNS1919151993
213568Kieron CookeBowmoor17172020202094
223713Oliver PoxonBowmoor SCDNSDNSDNSDNS2117107

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