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French sailors making history - 2027 Ocean Globe announced

by Ocean Globe Race 8 Apr 16:18 PDT
Pen Duick VI at the start of Leg 4 Punta del Este to Cowes - currently leading in line honours and IRC ranking for the leg © Aïda Valceanu / OGR2023

As the end of the 2023 McIntyre Ocean Globe Race draws closer, the big question is who will win this historic 50th Anniversary celebration of the first-ever Whitbread Race? And the French are dominating.

  • French Legend Pen Duick VI FR (14) 800 miles to go - Royal Yacht Squadron OGR leg 4 finish line, Cowes, UK. ETA, Friday 12th.
  • Triana FR (66) looking good for IRC OUTRIGHT overall win in 2023 McIntyre OGR.
  • Maiden UK (03) one day and 22 hrs behind Triana FR (66) for outright IRC win and Pen Duick VI just 5 hours behind Maiden.
  • Translated 9 ITL (09) arrives in Madeira to repair cracks in the hull. Plan to finish race after repairs!
  • Applications for 2027 Ocean Globe Race now open with a revised Notice of Race and new boats eligible to enter.

In leg 4, Pen Duick VI FR (14) looks set to take the double with line honours and IRC handicap. But the big news is little Triana FR (66) currently holding nearly a two-day lead overall for the coveted IRC Outright Winners position for all four legs of the OGR. Can they hold onto top spot eating just soup and flying fish each day as they head toward the finish line 1850 miles away and running out of food? If Jean D'Arthuys the skipper makes one wrong move Maiden is ready to move up, and then Pen Duick VI is just five hours behind them ready to jump.

In just days the first yacht crosses the Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes, UK finish line in the McIntyre Ocean Globe Race. After a truly epic adventure, taking in the three Great Capes, Pen Duick VI FR (14) is expected on Friday 12th April. The former Whitbread 73-foot Bermudan Ketch, skippered by Marie Tabarly, has led for much of Leg Four, Punta del Este to Cowes, a leg that has proved challenging for the fleet thanks to unpredictable and fickle winds.

But it hasn't all gone the legendary yacht's way and his position has been challenged, with the 1985 Whitbread winner L'Esprit d'équipe retaking the coveted 1st in IRC position from Pen Duick VI earlier in the week. But Marie, and her determined crew have retaken 1st in IRC back again - at time of writing by just 18 minutes. But it's certainly not over yet and anything can still happen between now and crossing the line.

L'Esprit d'équipe who has raced in three previous Whitbread races, now skippered by Lionel Regnier, is expected in Cowes approximately 48 hrs after Pen Duick VI - weather permitting. Despite being under pressure they continue to enjoy every minute.

"A perfect night on board, passage of a front, wind at 40 knots, rough seas, speed 10 knots, surf at 18 knots. The Azores passed in the early morning." tweeted L'Esprit d'équipe.

After crossing the line the yachts will dock in Trinity Landing in Cowes for 48 hours.

Spirit of Helsinki FI (71), Neptune FR (56) and Maiden UK (03) continue to battle it out for line honours positions. Maiden has parked in a high-pressure system, which might well affect their chances of taking overall race IRC first-place ranking from Triana - who still hold a 34-hour lead at the time of writing.

"The boat we passed said wind would die at 6am, it is 6am, the wind died. Ah the highs and lows, literally." tweeted Maiden, who have been frustrated with the lack of wind.

Meanwhile, Outlaw AU (08) had made up many miles over the weekend but dropped back after being caught once again in a dreaded wind hole. Just two nm separate Evrika FR (07) and Galiana WithSecure FI (06) on the distance to finish with Triana FR (66) continuing their efforts to remain with the pack just 24nm behind. Their performance might well be affected in the coming days due to hunger! A miscalculation in their provisioning means they are now surviving on soup and flying fish - and with almost 1850 nm still to go, they're certainly going to be ready for a hearty meal on arrival.

"Rationing Day 1, one meal per day for summer body." tweeted Triana.

While the South African yacht Sterna SA (42) has once again slowed to carry out essential repairs, costing them much-needed miles.

"Diagonal 2 Broken. Sheered off just above bottlescrew at spreader. All crew ok. Lots of Dyneema rigging plans afoot for daybreak. Don't worry!" tweeted Sterna.

The Italian Swan 65 Translated 9 ITL (09) is due to arrive in Madeira Monday evening to complete essential repairs. On Friday a heavy broach in 50-knot gusts slammed them down, reopening previously repaired cracks in their hull around the rudder skeg, causing water ingress. They made the painful decision to retire from the leg and sail to Madeira where they will carry out the essential work. They then hope to continue the race and cross the finish line in Cowes.

2027 Ocean Globe Race announced!

With just weeks until the completion of the inaugural McIntyre Ocean Globe Race it's time to look to the future. For the first time in 30 years, the entrants of this first OGR have been able to live their dream racing around the world in classic yachts in a very human way. They have all been changed in unmeasurable ways and sailors around the world have been watching. Today DON MCINTYRE made the announcement that many have been waiting for.

"It's not finished yet, but this OGR has and continues to be one hell of a race and grand human adventure capturing the imagination of so many. We are immensely proud of all the sailors involved, the passion and courage they display and the power of following dreams and never saying no. It is really obvious and incredibly satisfying that we are all making history with this unique around the world race. Over the past nine months I have been talking to so many who are looking forward to doing it again, or for the first time in the 2027 OGR. We have learnt a lot with this edition, so it is really exciting to announce today that McIntyre Adventure will once again underwrite the second edition of the OCEAN GLOBE RACE in 2027 and is looking forward to speaking with partners who would like to become part of something very special." Don McIntyre, OGR Founder & Organiser.

Applications are now open and the Pre-Notice of Race is available here. Some change for the next OGR edition are:

26 entries are available overall and four OGR "special invitations" may be considered. Initially a MAXIMUM of seven entries from any one country will be accepted up until 1st JANUARY 2026 WHEN THIS RULE MAY BE RELAXED.

  • For 2027 OGR any similar OGR style Transocean racing yacht up to 20 metres launched before 1988 'May" be considered for OPEN ENTRY Flyer Class inclusion EVEN THOUGH IT HAS NEVER ENTERED A WHITBREAD. This opens the door to 100's of new yachts currently for sale. Designs that would be approved are the ones that look and feel similar to the existing entrants and VETERAN Whitbread yachts. Acceptance is entirely up to the organiser to say - YES or NO - without explanation and the decision is final.

  • CLASS limits apply - ADVENTURE CLASS 8 entries - SAYULA CLASS 7 entries - FLYER CLASS 11 entries = 7 Whitbread + 4 Open Entry - Class limits will cease after January 1st 2026

  • CHICHESTER CLASS — AFTER RECEIVING OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE OGR "MAY" impose a minimum 24hr time penalty THEN allowing the entrant to continue to sail in the CHICHESTER CLASS rejoining the race and remaining in the rankings of the OGR. A CHICHESTER CLASS entrant that receives outside assistance of any kind is then outside the rankings for that particular leg.

  • CITATIONS - UFO OBSERVER. AN "APPROVED" Citations observer must sail on each leg of the OGR and PROVE a sound knowledge of all types of cetacea, migration routes and identifying characteristics, being able to manage the UFO AND CITATIONS OBSERVATION LOG onboard. Each entrant must make best efforts to maintain this log to be handed in at the completion of each leg.

  • FUEL PENALTY - at the start of the OGR entrants must fill all onboard fuel tanks - at the stopover ports no entrant may refill any tanks unless OGR APPROVAL IS GIVEN and witnessed by another entrant skipper or mate, who will confirm and report quantity filled on the fuel declaration passed to OGR - At the end of the OGR ALL TANKS WILL BE FILLED to determine total fuel consumed by all devices including heaters. 180 litres will be deducted to allow for motoring to start line - finish marina and mandatory Monday motor days. A TIME PENALTY OF 10 MINUTES PER LITRE CONSUMED will be added to the yachts finish time on the water.

  • OGR CODE OF CONDUCT - covering all entrants, crew and associated teams and participants and the way they are expected to act in appropriate ways. Also to ensure that they are always act. in the best interests of the OGR and never bring it or others involved into disrepute.

  • STARLINK IS MANDATORY - with 6 minutes of video, 4 pictures and 500 words allowed one day a week.

  • Weather fax is no longer mandatory but highly recommended.

  • Entrant sponsor signage increased on entrant yachts.

  • Sails reduced to 10 for one mast and 12 for two masts.

  • Crew need to show ability to activate their PLB eyes shut with one hand.

  • Combined PLB-AIS BEACONS in one unit, specifically banned.

For further information, visit here

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