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Topper “Super South Traveller” at Poole Yacht Club

by Sean Semmens & Roger Cerrato 28 Sep 2023 23:43 PDT 16-17 September 2023

Each year sailors from the ITCA (GBR) regions of South West, Southern and London & South East come together for a weekend of racing and hopefully some fun ashore.

This year's event on September 16th/17th was hosted by the friendly and efficient team at Poole YC who went above and beyond to make it a great weekend despite some challenging conditions. It was indeed a weekend that teaches you to never rely on a weather forecast!

Saturday promised a lovely day and a light to medium breeze. The race officer wisely aimed to start racing on time, later we would find how wise that plan was. Race 1 started in 5 or 6 knots of wind and massive 20 degree wind oscillation, but the wind in the North sector rather than the forecast North Easterly. In the 5.3s Thomas Semmens led off the start at the committee boat end expecting the wind to go right, but was soon too far right on the next left shift. Jake Davies picked the shifts brilliantly combined with awesome speed romped off to a race win as the breeze dropped to less than 4kts. Behind Jake, Ethan Rhodes held off Thomas in a race long match for 2nd and 3rd respectively. In the 4.2s Philieas Rouselle led the closely packed fleet home to win from Finlay Kirkby 2nd and Finlay Rhodes 3rd.

With the Race Officer expecting the breeze to build from the east the fleet waited and waited. Sadly this was to no avail, the wind never really settled. Eventually the RC started Race 2 on a very shifty 4 kt wind more in hope than expectation. The Race was abandoned when each side of the beat had different wind speeds and angles!

Sunday was forecast to be wet and sadly that bit of the forecast was dead right! With the wind now back in it's forecast direction and a stiffer force 3 to 4 the pecking order was about to change. Mid way through Race 2 the first claps of Thunder arrived so once the race was completed a decision was made to send the fleet ashore for shelter. In the 5.3 fleet is was a great race to be called Harry, Harry Mitchell clearly was not put off by the weather scoring a 1st followed by Harry Dence in 2nd, and Zac Chapple in 3rd. The 4.2s clearly enjoyed the stronger winds with Rueben Wealthy leading the way from Sam Mason and Matt Svendsen for the 1,2,3.

After what seemed like an age ashore, with parents trying to keep their sailors warm-fed and dry all at the same time, the RC took the brave and excellent decision to send the fleet out again to try to get 2 more races in before the 3pm cut off. By now the rain had eased, the lightning passed and the wind strengthened a little. The local sailors enjoying the Poole Harbour chop started to take over.

Races 3 and 4 were quickly turned around with the 4th race 4.2 start under way only 1 minute before the cut off (well done RC). In the 5.3s Zac Chapple owned the afternoon winning both races to take the event win as well. Torquil Morrison posted a 2nd and 3rd which propelled him up the order alas just missing out on the podium. Charlie Shires will be over the moon to be 3rd in race 3 but followed it up with a U flag disqualification on race 4. Jake Davies completed a consistent series to come 2nd overall while local girl Millie Smith clinched a 2nd in the last race to edge out Ethan and Torquil off the podium overall.

In the 4.2s Sam Mason came 2nd in all 3 races on Sunday to win the event despite not winning a race, proving consistency is key. Rueben Wealthy followed up his morning win with two 3rd places to clinch 2nd overall 1 pt ahead of Mattie Svendsen whose 4th and a 1st was not quite enough.

A special mention must go to Poole YC and their team of volunteers, very little external parental help was required - and boy were the parents grateful not to be out in the cold monsoon. The sailors all displayed amazing resilience, especially those new to the circuit. Dylan Cullen a 4.2 sailor epitomised the fantastic attitude of the sailors, when asked if he wanted to 'go in' after capsizing dozens of times, his response... 'no chance, retiring is for losers!'

Well done to everyone who participated and the Class is looking forward to returning to Poole YC for NS4 next summer.

At the prize-giving PRO Steve Thompson along with ITCA Area reps Mark Dence, Sean Semmens and Roger Cerrato presented an absolute multitude of prizes to both Regional and Overall winners.

For those Topper parents and sailors who like to plan ahead next year's "Super South" will be held at Warsash Sailing Club on September 14th/15th.

Prize Winners:

Overall top 3

1 Sam Mason
2 Reuben Wealthy
3 Mattie Svendsen

1 Zac Chapell
2 Jake Davies
3 Millie Smith

Regional top 3

4.2 SW
1 Finlay Kirkby
2 Sacha Gerra
3 Matteo gerra

5.3 SW
1 Louis Voss
2 Harry Mills
3 Felix Harle

4.2 Southern
1 Hendricks Long
2 Phileas Rousselle
3 Megan Cerrato

5.3 Southern
1 Torquil Morrison
2 Ethan Rhodes
3 Samuel Wade

5.3 L&SE
1 Harry Dence
2 Harry Mitchell
3 Sam Dence

1st Boy and girl outside top 3

4.2 SW
George Greeno
Rosie Keats

5.3 SW
Joel Tidy
Hollie Norton

4.2 South
Finlay Rhodes

5.3 South
Charlie Shires
Eve Wealthy

5.3 L&SE
Vincent Shorter
Susan Lewis

Attitude prize Dylan Cullen
Endeavour 4.2 Yasmina Kavani Mundy
Endeavour 5.3 Leo Kaneko

Overall Results:

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