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Lymington Town Sailing Club Solent Circuit 2022 - Overall

by Nick Hopwood 23 Nov 2022 11:22 PST
Mojitabel, overall winner - Lymington Town SC Solent Circuit 2022 © Nick Hopwood

Lymington Town Sailing Club completed the annual Solent Circuit yacht racing series on 20th November, after five very successful Sunday morning races.

Week One was abandoned due to the unseasonably high (some would say new normal) pressure and temperature, and complete lack of wind. The series evolved into champagne racing on the last two weeks with bright skies and 10-15 knots of steady breeze, albeit against the tide on each day.

43 boats were entered in five classes for the Series, an increase over 2021 following the complete cancellation in 2020.

Class One

IRC1, the higher performing boats, ranged from Declan Clamp's nimble Platu25, 'Yard Fees', to 2022 Tattinger Regatta champion Andy Roberts' J105 'Jin Tonic'.

Going in to the last race, 'Jin Tonic' was tied on points with Ray Crouch's Adams10 'Boomerang', with William Newton lying third in his J105 'Jelly Baby'. All three battled round the 12 mile course, never far from each other, and it was anybody's race.

Back in the bar, when the handicaps had been applied, Bob Bakers J97 'Jaywalker' had snuck in to second place, 48 seconds ahead of 'Jin Tonic' in third and 8 seconds behind 'Boomerang' in first place.

So Ray Crouch and crew had thrown Boomerang as hard as they could, and she came back in style to win the Series from Andy Roberts by one point.

IRC1 Results:

PosBoatClassSail NoHelmClubR2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stBoomerangAdams 10RR3417Ray CrouchRLymYC‑321216
2ndJin TonicJ 105GBR 7805RAndy Roberts and Bill EdgerleyRLymYC‑412137
3rdJelly BabyJ105GBR 1129LWilliam NewtonRLymYC2333‑411
4thJaywalkerJ/97GBR 97LRobert BakerRLymYC1(DNF)DNC4217
5thYard FeesPlatu 25GBR 462Declan ClampLTSC64(DNC)5621
6thIslayElan 333GBR 7333TRichard DownRLymYCDNF(DNF)46523
7thJunoJ/109GBR 9821TMichael CarringtonRLymYC5(DNF)DNCDNCDNC35
8thJackarooJ/972097Lawrence BarnettRLymYC(DNC)DNFDNCDNCDNC40
8thJungleLaurent Giles 33GBR 1338TMandy & Geoff StockRLymYC(DNC)DNFDNCDNCDNC40

Class Two

IRC2 boats were slower on handicap but performed highly nonetheless, with some close competition throughout the series. Rory Heron and Dan Snow on their Swan37 'Mojitabel' had sewn up the victory by Week Five, leaving Andy Hind on Hanse291 'White Mischief' and Allan Hill on J30 'Colleen' to battle it out for the runners up spot.

Rounding the final mark within one minute of each other, with Steven Bloomfield on his Dehler34 'Headstrong' in close proximity, after nearly two hours of racing, demonstrated they'd had a close encounter.

When the handicaps were applied, 'White Mischief' had the upper hand, and took second overall in the series by one point over 'Colleen' in third.

IRC2 Results:

PosBoatClassSail NoHelmClubR2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stMojitabelS&S Swan 37GBR2881Dan Snow & Rory HeronRLymYC1‑32115
2ndWhite MischiefHanse 291GBR 4888TAndy HindR LymYC‑4242210
3rdColleenJ‑3033849Allan HillRLymYC31‑53411
4thAnna MaiSwan 36GBR 1716Harry HutchinsonRLymYC247(DNC)316
5thHound DogImpala 28GBR 9537Paul Harrison & Craig StewartRLymYC561(DNC)618
6thHeadstrongDehler 3443TSteven BroomfieldLTSC6534‑718
7thLast Flingbtc 22GBR 1413Harry EllensRLymYC8‑965928
8thGrowler lllContessa 3255YCharlie RobertsRLymYC(DNC)8DNC6529
9thGoogle‑EyeTrapper 300GBR 3766TPat StablesLTSC77‑87829

Class Three

This was a disparate group of boats with a wide range of handicaps, racing together under the RYA NHC scheme, which is intended to enable all comers to take part regardless of their craft or capability, and it served its purpose to good effect this time around. The fleet range from a Contessa26 to a Bavaria43 with a Spirit37 adding more diversity.

However, Richard Truscott in his trusty time-served Westerly Konsort 'Unity' proved that greater participation, consistency and above all persistence pays off by finishing with the best possible nett score of 4 points to win the series outright.

With the 'Strega' crew away in Guadaloupe to watch the end of the Route de Rhum Race, Robert Young's Dehler29 'AbFab' came second overall with Denis Bates in his Beneteau 32s5, 'Roller Coaster' taking third.

NHC Results:

PosBoatClassSail NoHelmClubR2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stUnityWesterly KonsortKT578Richard TruscottRLymYC‑411114
2ndAbFabDehler 29GBR 5589LRobert YoungRLymYC143‑6210
3rdRoller CoasterBeneteau First 32s5GBR 3221TDenis BatesRLymYC5(DNC)22312
4thStregaSpirit 37 Mk2GBR 7514TSandy Fielding & Matt PerkinsLTSC32(DNC)3DNC18
5thDynamicDahler 296629John TurnerRLymYC23(DNC)4DNC19
6thAlluraBavariaGBR 1620RNeil KendrickLTSC(DNF)547521
7thMischiefBeneteauGBR 4568LLee ArmstrongLTSCDNFDNF58(DNC)28
8thMinim IVHanse 3414878Oliver DunneRLymYC(DNC)DNCDNCDNC434
9thHigh potentialContessa 322Sarah ApplebyLTSC(DNC)DNCDNC5DNC35


The Nordic Folkboat fleet is as ever lasting as some of its participants, and always provides close boat-on-boat racing action. This series had Cy Grisley and Simon Evans 'Gybe N' battling it out with Simon Flack's Stralende whose first two races hadn't gone so well and kept them in second overall.

John Cooper and Becci Wigley aboard 'Jen' were consistent attendees and finished third overall.

Folkboat Results:

PosBoatSail NoHelmClubR2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stGybe N’GBR 669Cy Grisley & Simon EvansLTSC/RLymYC11‑2215
2ndStralendeGBR 652Simon FlackParkstone4‑51128
3rdJen666John CooperLTSC‑6234413
4thMistral732Mr&Mrs J SowryRLymYc34(DNC)3313
5thRiotGBR 695Chris FoxRLymYc7(DNC)56523
6thOtter729Nicholas IngramLTSC9(DNC)47626
7thIf only…673Fiona AustinRLymYC23(DNC)DNCDNC27
8thWombat765Jonathon ProctorRLymYC5(DNC)DNC5DNC32
9thLady Linda762David GredleyLTSC8(DNC)DNCDNC737
10thSamphire712James HoareRLymYC(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC44


Many of the local popular J80 fleet showed they are fair-weather sailors and chose not to enter the series. Each of the eight races was dominated by the duel between Chris and Hannah Neve's 'No Regrets' and Toby Colyer's 'Traffic Jam'. 'No Regrets' were dominant overall, winning the series once again.

David Herrod and Heather Pashley showed persistence to take third place, and chose to have a lie in on Week Six, allowing Catherine Jordan to pick up a consolation prize.

J80 Results:

PosBoatSail NoHelmClubR1R3R4R5R6R7R8R9Pts
1stNo RegretsGBR 1411Chris & Hannah NeveRLymYc1‑21121118
2ndTraffic JamGBR 1455Toby CollyerLTSC‑2122122212
3rdJust in TimeGBR 535Dave Herrod & Heather PashleyLTSC33DNF3355(DNC)26
4thFiducialFRA 1346Andrew HurstRLymYc(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC33DNC46
5thBTJ Racing8098Catherine JordanRLymYC(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC66347
6thJust Do It801Adrian BatemanLTSC(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC44DNC48


At the series prize-giving held in the club's Solent Room, with sailors enjoying the sunshine, the view and cold beers out on the balcony, Race Officer Nick Hopwood thanks the large number of volunteers for their assistance. RIB crews had laid marks, office staff and volunteers had worked behind the scenes, and the committee boat crew had been on top form.

In addition to the class prizes, a new trophy was awarded for the Overall Series Winner which was collected by Rory Heron and Dan Snow, for their outstanding results in Class Two against some fearsome opposition. Dan Snow commented how warm he had been on the foredeck (the tallest bowman in Christendom, according to Rory) and graciously thanked all involved for their hard work.

Club Commodore Tony Evans finished the proceedings by thanking the Race Officer, and most importantly all the competitors for their participation. He also presented the prizes which were generously supplied by Solent Cellar.

Find out more at

Special prizes:

Overall Series Winner - Rory Heron and Dan Snow, 'Mojitabel'
Joe the Tent Tankard (first IRC boat under 30' LOA) - Andy Hind, 'White Mischief'
Marlow Ropes Buoy (for best perseverance with least success) - Neil Kendrick, 'Allura'

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