STC Ted Hood Regatta - Preview
by J/Boats 18 Aug 2022 21:53 PDT
August 19-21, 2022

Ted Hood Regatta © Phillip Smith
As befitting a regatta named after the multi-faceted Ted Hood - sailmaker, yacht designer, inventor, yacht builder, and America's Cup-winning skipper- the Storm Trysail Club's Ted Hood Regatta will have a wide variety of courses, sizes, and types of yachts. The fleet will include J/70 and J/105 one-design classes, plus PHRF and PHRF Doublehanded classes.
Hosting the 5th annual event from August 19th to 21st is Eastern Yacht Club in conjunction with their amazing local partners - the Corinthian YC and the Boston YC.
The J/105 class includes Miguel Martinez's Taino, Ric Dexter's Brouhaha, Marty Galligan's Atalanta, and Steven Goldberg's Air Express.
The J/70s have Holly Fabyan's Asteria, Rich Witzel's Rowdy, Dave Franzel's Spring, and Jim Raisides & Charlie Pendleton's Bad Hombres.
Sailing the fourteen-boat PHRF Division will be Ed Kaye's J/111 Pravda, Chris Lund's J/133 Jump, and Liz Smith & Ward Blodgett's J/33 Sirocco. For the PHRF Doublehanded Division, Eliot Shanabrook's J/109 Hafa Adai is the lone J/crew.
More Storm Trysail Club Ted Hood Regatta sailing information here...