OMYC Platu Championship, Round 2
by Kev Scott, Ferret News 12 Oct 2021 00:58 PDT
9-10 October 2021
We had to wait seven months after round one before we could hold round two of this four-event Championship, but it was well worth the wait. Four top crews lined up for what turned out to be a great weekend of sailing.
On Saturday the wind was so strong that all the crews opted for the smaller, stronger, #2 jib. What they could not so easily adapt to was the big sea state that does not suit a lightweight, 25 foot race boat! Crews were made to work very hard, especially the foredeckies, who had one of the rockiest rides of their lives. Great credit to all the crews who managed to survive four of the hardest races they will ever experience. Racing was close, and the top three boats were on 7,8 and 9 points. The YRAT crew had the most consistent results, finishing the day in the lead on 7 points. Le Vent and FLS each won races, but were not so consistent, with their newly-formed crews learning how to work with each other. Races were limited to just four - as crews were tired by then, and the weather looked to be increasing. In the interests of safety, enough was enough.
On Sunday the wind and sea state had calmed down considerably, allowing crews to run their bigger jibs and enjoy eight short-course races. Once again the racing was close, with any number of very tight finishes associated with this great One Design format. The day was completed with the usual double point, “medal” race. After a fine battle YRAT managed to finish just a few metres ahead of the rapidly improving FLS crew.
It is a great compliment to all crews that although the fighting on the water is intense, the camaraderie after racing is great to see.
As well as the Platus, this was also a weekend of racing for OMYC racing and cruising boats. Good to see ‘Over Here’ coming from RVYC to join in the fun as well. Crews enjoyed courses kept fairly close to the marina in the interest of safety, with big winds forecast. There was a moment of imminent danger when San Sanook’s mast fell down as a result of a broken forestay, but fortunately nobody was hurt in the incident and the boat was able to limp back to the marina under her own power. We should like to thank K. Ithinai’s support boat that immediately went to San Sanook’s assistance. It is a sign of true grit that Craig and his team decided to borrow a Platu for the Sunday and continue racing.
Many thanks to all crew who came racing. Covid might be restricting numbers, but it cannot restrict the enthusiasm and friendship of those who come racing, which are always the best features of this Club.
Thanks again to:
K Thammasak and his Race Management team
Tony, the world’s number one flag man
OMYC for their all-round support of racing here in Pattaya
FLS Logistics for their most generous support which enables the Platu Fleet to continue and grow.
Round 2 results
2. FLS
3. Le Vent
4. Pine Pacific
Aggregate Results after two rounds:
1. YRAT (2)
2. FLS (5)
3. Whitcraft (7)
4. Le Vent (8)
5. Pine Pacific (10)
6. Namprix (11)