2022 Vic-Maui International Yacht Race update
by Vic-Maui 1 Oct 2021 07:05 PDT
July 2-8, 2022

Vic-Maui International Yacht Race © Vic-Maui
Vic-Maui online entry
Aloha, 14 entries and counting! Check out the teams at Vic-Maui Team Profiles.
The next registration deadline for yachts to enter the Vic-Maui International Yacht Race is October 31, 2021 where entries are still eligible for a 25% discount. Key information including the 2022 online Race Entry Form, 2022 Notice Of Race are available on the Vic-Maui Official Notice Board. After October 31, only one more entry deadline is ahead; February 28, 2022 is primarily for yachts that are already race-ready, needing limited preparation guidance from the Vic-Maui Event Committee.
Vic-Maui Offshore Preparation Seminar
The Vic-Maui Offshore Preparation Seminar will be held October 16, 2021 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club's Jericho clubhouse from 0830 to 1700. Space for the seminar is limited and registration is required by October 9th. Catch the Early Bird price cost after September 30 is $100 (plus 5% GST) which includes your lunch and seminar materials, followed by an informal, no-host reception until 7 PM.
Participation in these classes is subject to Covid protocols which may change on short notice; Currently these include proof of full vaccination and use of masks in some areas.
Seminar registration here
Offshore Personal Survival Course (a.k.a. Safety at Sea)
Advance Registration for entered Vic-Maui boats is open. General public registration will open October 12, 2021.
Two OPSC classes are scheduled in Vancouver BC for Fall 2021:
- Saturday-Sunday October 30-31, 2021
- Saturday-Sunday November 20-21, 2021
Sail Canada - World Sailing Approved
Complete course information is here
Participation in these classes is subject to Covid protocols which may change on short notice; Currently these include proof of full vaccination and use of masks in some areas.
Additional classes may be scheduled, subject to both demand and other conditions, during the January - March 2022 time period. However, we strongly recommend taking the training as early in the cycle as practical, to avoid schedule compression and class capacity/availability issues.
Action item: Vic-Maui skippers should contact if you haven't received your early registration email.
Future Courses
Check Events and Logistics often for course updates and times.