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Vendée Liberty set for 24 May: the IMOCA yachts show off in New York

by Vendée Globe media 21 May 08:49 PDT 24 May 2024
Vendée Liberty © Vendée Liberty

The images promise to be breathtaking: imagine a whole fleet of IMOCA yachts at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, flying over the water with the Skyline in the background? You're not dreaming!

On 24 May 2024, the IMOCA will be racing in Manhattan Bay, in a demonstration race called the Vendée Liberty, organised as part of the New York Vendée (start 29 May 2024), the last qualifier for the Vendée Globe. At the same time, there will be plenty of entertainment on offer for guests.

At 11am, the starting line for the speed runs will open and the first group will set off on the one nautical mile course in Manhattan Bay. Four pools will follow each other until 3.30pm, when the line closes. The aim is to put on a show, set the speedometers running and thrill the spectators! This exhibition race, which promises to be breathtaking, will be visible from Governors Island or from the south of Manhattan for the general public.

While speed runs have no impact on the sporting result, winning them is a way of showing your strength against the competition. In offshore racing, it's all about mental strength! These races are also very much appreciated by the partners: it's both a magnificent exhibition and a unique opportunity to share experiences.

The run times will be broadcast live on the New York Vendée - Les Sables d'Olonne website. You will also be able to find images of this highlight as well as on the Vendée Globe's social networks, temporarily in the colours of its little sister on the other side of the Atlantic.

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