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Chichester Yacht Club Snowflake Series 2024 - Day 4

by Biddy Colborne 27 Feb 06:07 PST 14 January - 10 March 2024

Another great day's racing, with a force 5-6 south easterly wind which gave the crews a strenuous time coping with rather gusty and sometimes shifty conditions. The spectators enjoyed watching some exciting flat out reaches and a few capsizes.

In Race 7 of the series in the fast fleet George and Sophie Yeoman (ISC) in their Merlin just managed to keep the 400 of Sam Pickering and Emily Heath (CYC) at bay with Tim Saxton and Owain Matthews (ISC) taking 3rd spot on the water. George also won on handicap but the Finn duo of Richard Sharp and Matt Johnson from ESSC took 2nd and 3rd places on handicap with Sam and Emily 4th.

In Race 8, Sam and Emily in the 400 were flying on the reaches and made this pay by finishing in front of a trio of Merlins with Ed Chapman and Nicola Brook (Lymington Town SC) managing to hold off George and Sophie by 10 seconds with Tim and Owain just 4th. When the handicap was worked out Sam and Emily were again 4th with victory going to Ed and Nicola with George and Sophie 2nd and Tim and Owain 3rd.

In the medium fleet Rob and Gemma Burridge (Weir Wood SC) sailed immaculately to score two firsts both on the water and on handicap. They were followed home in both races by Mark Riddington (ESSC) in his Aero 7. In race 7, Ian and Sarah Yardley (RYA) in their 2000 enjoyed the conditions to take 3rd place in Race 7 and 4th in race 8. Martin Orton and Ian Brooks (CYC) dug the Lark out of storage and, sailing it for the first time for many years, took 4th and then 3rd places in the two races.

In the slow fleet Louie Cornell (ILCA 4) sailed two excellent races and finished ahead on the water but the Mirror of Terry Hunt and young son Charlie, who kept the spinnaker flying down all the reaches, won both races on handicap to extend their overall lead. By Biddy Colbourne.

Our Last Snowflake races will be held on 10th March.

See also:

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