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Barton Marine 2019 728x90

2024 Warren Jones International Youth Regatta at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club - Day 3

by Swan River Sailing 31 Jan 03:15 PST 29 January - 2 February 2024
2024 Warren Jones International Youth Regatta, day 3 © Swan River Sailing

Day 3 of the 20th Warren Jones International Youth Regatta was a near copy of yesterday's light and hot conditions. After waiting on water for the breeze to fill in, the wind swung around providing perfect racing conditions.

Today's racing saw a steady 15 knot south-westerly serving as pristine conditions to get another seven flights sailed and the first Round Robin of the event concluded.

After Day 2 of racing, we are starting to see the top four teams come into fruition, Cole Tapper, Ethan Prieto-Low, Marcello Torre and Max Paul are amongst the four teams who have gained a strong score card that is positioning them well going into the penultimate day of racing tomorrow.

Followed by racing this afternoon is the Corporate Cup and the Welcome Function for the teams.

Selden 2020 - FOOTERPredictWind - GPS 728x90 BOTTOMRooster SB1 Inshore Range