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Dangerous Girls 2023 season at Lymington Town Sailing Club

by Abby Keightley-Hanson 2 Oct 2023 06:10 PDT
Dangerous Girls at Lymington © LTSC

The Dangerous Girls are a group of women who meet every Tuesday evening, from April to September, at Lymington Town Sailing Club. This group was formed at the end of lockdown with the aim of coaching female sailors to have the confidence and skill to sail and race.

The rules when easing out of the pandemic stated that you could only sail with those in your household. This posed a problem for some of the female sailors who crewed for others. The idea came about as a way to enable these women to get on the water, giving them dependency to sail by themselves. This group has since grown to include those who are at the beginning of their sailing journey to those who are already leaders of the racing community.

The Dangerous Girls are coached by Karl Thorne and Sarah Richards. Each week coaching sessions cover basic skills, race start techniques, manoeuvres and skills for high and low wind days. On days that are not sailable, land based training is offered, or a paddle board session when the sun is shining!

When asked what the Dangerous Girls has brought to them this year, the comments included:

  • "Dangerous Girls got me back on the water after years of facilitating children"
  • "Enjoying informal access to excellent coaches, it is well organised and inclusive"
  • "Confidence, great opportunities, fun and friendship"

Even though the season has come to the end, there will still be training sessions once a month. Informal talks will be given from a few of our fantastic female sailors.

Dangerous Girls is open to sailors from Lymington Town Sailing Club and Royal Lymington Yacht Club. The Sailing Club has boats that can be hired out. For more information, please contact the office or 01590 674514.

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