Sea Scout Ship Viking of San Francisco honored with 2023-24 BoatUS National Flagship Award
by BoatUS 13 May 2023 10:27 PDT

Sea Scout Ship Viking (Ship 100) had an incredible 62 on-water days last year, much of it aboard the group's open 30-foot Monomoy whaleboat © Scott Croft
Sea Scout Ship Viking (Ship100), a local Sea Scout Ship of the national coeducational program from the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) that blends youth boating and leadership skills with social and community service experiences, has been has named the 2023-2024 BoatUS National Flagship - a recognition as the best "ship" (Sea Scout group) in the country.
The honor was created by the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) in 2002 to mark the 90th anniversary of Sea Scouts and recognizes excellence in program quality, youth achievement and adult commitment.
One of the largest Sea Scout Ships in California and all-female, Ship 100 is chartered by the San Francisco Sailing Whaleboat Association and has 28 members, 11 of whom joined in the past year.
The young ladies charted an outstanding record of volunteerism, seamanship and growth, combining camaraderie with lots of time spent on the water, including 62 on-water days that included a two-week cruise to the California Delta. The Sea Scouts got under way between ports aboard their open 30-foot Monomoy whaleboat, and for shorter daysails and drills took to dinghies for sailing and rowing. Other adventures included stand-up paddleboarding, waterskiing and swimming.
In the community, Ship 100 Sea Scouts helped to clear a former landslide site, retiled a roof and installed a new sprinkler system on Tinsley Island, and they helped introduce young kids to nautical activities at Maritime National Historic Park's Junior Ranger Day. The ship also attended multiple regattas and rendezvous, and organized Cub Scout boat trips, a Fleet week BBQ, and held an ever-popular Rain Gutter Regatta - the Pinewood Derby equivalent.
Advancement was impressive. Ten Scouts earned the Apprentice Rank; nine earned the Ordinary Rank; two earned the Able Rank; and one earned the Quartermaster Award. Additionally, another seven scouts completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships. Nine have completed the NASBLA Boater Safety Course.
Said BSA National Chair Sea Scout Chair Ben Feril, "Sea Scout Ship Viking is outstanding because they ensure every single activity has an element of fun, where Sea Scouts are encouraged to be warm, welcoming, and bring their friends. This is bolstered by a policy of getting on the water every time a prospective new member attends a meeting."