Norfolk Punt Club Race racing on Sunday
by Alan Davis 21 Jul 2022 03:14 PDT
17 July 2022
The day's events commenced with a gentle if variable breeze from a SSW direction under a hot summer sun.
The first race of the day, Combined Allcomers, started with 7 entries and a short course that provided some close racing around the course of 4 laps. The race gave an early win to Dick and Kate (Golden Eye) despite the vagaries of wind strength and direction so typical in summer weather, followed by John Sealey (YBOD) second and Bruce Thompson in Hedgy Gal (Bittern) third. By the time of the second race we had 9 entries (Allcomers) and the course was extended with two additional marks in the south of the broad.
In another close race of 2 laps, Norfolk Punt Golden Eye (Dick and Kate) triumphed again followed by Hedgy Gal (Bittern) and Silver Blue (YBOD), the punt being best able to exploit the variable conditions. The Yare and Bure One Designs (YBOD), also known as White Boats (Marsh Ringlet, Silver Blue and Lilac Beauty) and a Yeoman (Monthelie) helmed by Aaron, enjoyed a luffing contest, partly associated with the varied wind direction on the downwind legs. The race concluded with a flourish to the finish line with a further convincing win by Golden Eye.
Following a lunch-time break for refreshments and an opportunity to cool off, the wind strengthened in the afternoon, but maintained a predominantly southerly direction albeit somewhat variable. The first class race for YBOD, had three entries: Silver Blue, Lilac Beauty and Marsh Ringlet who enjoyed the increased wind strength resulting in a close race, from which Silver Blue helmed by Simon Daniels won, followed closely by Lilac Beauty, then Marsh Ringlet.
The second Allcomers race started with 5 enthusiastic entries comprising two Punts (Martin and Prawn) helmed by Kevin T and Bill Glover respectively, two Yeoman's, Helion and Menthiele, helmed by the Dixies and Aaron respectively, and Bruce Thompson in Hedgy Gal (Bittern). Both punts, despite a good start, retired due to the development of very strong winds and equipment issues, but Bruce maintained his pace in the Bittern under the increasingly exciting conditions to win overall followed closely by Monthelie (Yeoman) and Helios (Yeoman). Well done Bruce.
The wind conditions strengthened for the final Allcomers race and two sound competitors, Aaron and Simon in Monthelie (Yeoman), and Mark and Lenka Luckhurst with Liesl Hammer, in Camberwell Beauty (YBOD) set off under match racing conditions to compete over two laps. This race provided much excitement and some challenges and provided an extremely close finish, only 9 seconds difference separating the boats after almost 30 mins of hard racing. The Yeoman triumphed and both crews commented on the good racing. The Club Racing ended in bright sunshine and with very warm temperatures of 27 C. The rescue boat (helmed by Simon Learmount, supported by Mark Luckhurst and with the additional attendance of Kate Roe as the wind came up) was called upon to complete three rescues of non-racing sailing members, all returned safely to base.
Combined Allcomers
1 Golden Eye - D Roe
2 Lilac Beauty - J Seeley
3 Kedgy Gal - B Thompson
1 Golden Eye - D Roe
2 Kedgy Gal - B Thompson
3 Silver Blue - S Daniels
1 Silver Blue - S Daniels
2 Lilac Beauty - J Seeley
3 Marsh Ringlet - P Fynn
1 Hedgy Gal - B Thompson
2 Monthelie - A Male
3 Helios - Dixey S
Slow Handicap
1 Monthelie - A Male
2 Camberwell B - M Luckhurst