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Éoliennes en Mer des îles d'Yeu et de Noirmoutier becomes an official supplier for 2020 Vendée Globe

by Vendée Globe 17 Jun 2020 05:13 PDT
Fleet at start of the Vendee Globe, in Les Sables d'Olonne, France, on November 6th, 2016 © Jean-Marie Liot / DPPI / Vendee Globe

The Éoliennes en Mer îles d'Yeu et de Noirmoutier (EMYN) company and the SAEM Vendée, the company that organises the Vendée Globe, today annonunced their partnership has been renewed for the 2020 Vendée Globe, the legendary non-stop solo race around the world without assistance.

Committed to the sustainable promotion of the Vendée area

By renewing this partnership as "Official Renewable Energy Supplier" for the Vendée Globe, EMYN has extended the major commitment made with local bodies in 2013 to promote and support emblematic events in Vendée.

EMYN has joined local institutions and firms working alongside the SAEM Vendée which runs the leading sporting event in the nautical sector.

What has been said...

Yves Auvinet, President of the SAEM Vendée: "It is this same wind that turns our turbines at sea that propels the Vendée Globe boats as they make their way around the world. We are very proud that the Éoliennes en Mer des Îles d'Yeu et de Noirmoutier company, which is setting up a wind farm off the coast of Vendée, has once again offered their support to the Vendée Globe."

Paolo Cairo, Project Manager for Éoliennes en Mer Services: "After the incredible human adventure in the 2016 edition, we are proud to be involved in this ninth Vendée Globe and share the values linked to the sea and wind, while taking up human, technological and logistical challenges. Challenges which are similar to those we face in developing the wind farm at sea off the islands of Yeu and Noirmoutier."

More info about EMYN:

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