LMSRF endorses Rainbow Races COVID-19 response
by Gail M. Turluck 28 Apr 2020 07:52 PDT

Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation © Gail M. Turluck
The Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation has endorsed the effort of Rainbow Races, Inc., of Chicago, Illinois, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to coordinate efforts to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to medical professionals and first responders through purchase and grassroots construction efforts, funding for meals and drawing hands-on volunteers.
Buoyed by the sport of sailboat racing's Corinthian Spirit, self-sufficient tradition, and the Racing Rules of Sailing, Rainbow Races has called upon the boating community as they work to coordinate donations, distribute supplies for construction of masks, surgical caps, face shields, hospital gowns, cause meals to be acquired and provided to working staff, provide instruction for volunteers who step up to sew, and coordinate delivery of completed items to medical facilities and first responders.
Yacht clubs, sailmakers, and businesses are helping but much more is needed.
They seek donations for their PPE Fund, Food Fund, and more Helping Hands to sew. To take action, visit rainbowracesinc.org/covid-19.
Rainbow Races, Inc., was established in Chicago, Illinois, in 2019 to conduct the Rainbow Regatta Chicago, a sailboat racing event aimed to connect the LGBTQ community and its allies by hosting a casual regatta to raise funding and awareness of Chicago House and Rainbow Railroad while introducing people to the sport.
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation is the Regional Sailing Association designated by US Sailing, the national governing body for the sport of sailboat racing, that coordinates sailboat racing events, education, youth development, official training, grants and more to clubs and sail racers in the greater Lake Michigan area.
Further information on LMSRF may be found at www.lmsrf.org.