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America's Cup: Long time Emirates Team NZ sponsor signs up for 2021

by Emirates Team New Zealand 26 Jun 2018 17:55 PDT
Race 4 finish - America's Cup 35th Match - Match Day2 - Regatta Day 18, June 18, 2017 (ADT) © Richard Gladwell

Today, June 27 in New Zealand & June 26 in Bermuda, marks the One Year anniversary of when Emirates Team New Zealand overwhelmingly wrenched the America’s Cup from Oracle Team USA’s iron grip on the tropical turquoise waters of Bermuda’s Great Sound.

It was a world away from the deep dark winter in New Zealand.

Millions of kiwis were waking up in the cold early hours, putting their kettles on and settling in on the edge of their seats in nervous anticipation that the 35th America’s Cup would be over before sunrise.

Uneasy feelings of Déjà vu from San Francisco four years prior actively suppressed.

Back in Bermuda the day seemed like any other day for Emirates Team New Zealand, going about their collective routine; the difference was the deep-seated belief in having a faster boat, better sailors and a better team than their nemesis Oracle across the water.

No bravado needed, just each other, the support of the nation and enough of a start to put Emirates Team New Zealand in a position to once again pounce on Oracle and land the race 9 knockout blow.

78 seconds into the race it came. Oracle leading around mark one, heading downwind getting set to lead the gybe into Mark 2. They look back, Emirates Team New Zealand had already gybed without signal. A no-look gybe practised tirelessly in the seclusion of Auckland months prior left the Americans aghast. The all too familiar sight of the Emirates Team New Zealand transom their view once more.

Meanwhile, onboard the Emirates Team New Zealand chase boats and back in the base fingernails were long gone and shoulders still tensed. A clean rounding of the final reach mark before thoughts dared think the14 year endeavour to reclaim the Auld Mug was imminently over.

As Glenn Ashby, Peter Burling and the now infamous cyclors flew ‘Aotearoa’ across the finish line an overwhelming sense of pure relief descended on a team not renown for its emotion. The vibrations and ringtones orchestrated from within the pockets of all of the team and its supporters in Bermuda as family and friends back home rang through to be part of the celebration.

The ringtones continued into the Winner Press Conference as CEO Grant Dalton jokingly said he would “call Russell back.”

Peter Burling assured the international press the team would certainly be celebrating the sweetest of victories long into the night in a way only kiwis would understand. Bombs off the dock, kids cricket on the forecourt and a traditional Emirates Team New Zealand end of regatta eating competition of a pie, lamington and a bottle of Steinlager off the saddle of the cyclors beloved Watt Bikes.

The hazy next morning and the realisation that like a desert oasis, the finish line of the 35th America’s Cup had just transitioned to the start gun of the 36th America’s Cup.

No rules, no roadmap, just a Challenge and a trophy and an opportunity to make the 36th America’s Cup in New Zealand the best in its long and colourful history.

Reflecting on the one year anniversary of New Zealand’s win in Bermuda, one of the team’s most resolute sponsors, Toyota New Zealand, announce their continued support for Emirates Team New Zealand for the 36th America’s Cup.

The 2021 Cup defence in Auckland will be the eighth America’s Cup campaign that Toyota New Zealand has been involved in, making it the longest continuous sports sponsorship in the country.

“We’ve been proud and honoured to stick with the team through thick and thin,” said Andrew Davis, the General Manager of Marketing for Toyota New Zealand.

“The team’s philosophy of imagination, experimentation and innovation was the winning ingredient in Bermuda last year and represents what we stand for as a company and a country.”

“Last year’s successful challenge for the America’s Cup aligns even more closely with our brand values of continuous improvement and over the last four years this focus led to some exciting innovations and culminated in victory.”

“We are really proud to have Toyota back on board with the team again,” said Emirates Team New Zealand CEO, Grant Dalton.

“They have been a staunch supporter of the team for over 25 years now since the 1992 campaign. We have grown together and Toyota is very much part of our DNA.”

Toyota New Zealand first joined an America’s Cup campaign in 1992 and was involved in Black Magic’s victory in 1995 and successful defence in 2000.

It has also stood behind the team when the trophy went to Switzerland in 2003 and the challenges in 2007 and 2013.

Toyota’s support of Team New Zealand since 1992 is one of the most successful sports sponsorships in the country’s history, said Mr Davis.

New Zealand is the second most successful country in the 167-year history of the America’s Cup (after America) and is the only country to successfully challenge for the “Auld Mug” on more than one occasion.

“The team has achieved a remarkable success in a short time and it is the people who have gone the extra mile to deliver great results,” said Mr Davis.

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