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Bartley Beast 2023/24 - Week 3

by Nigel Hudson 26 Jan 06:46 PST 13 January 2024
Bartley Beast 2023/24 Week 3 © Alan Bowler

Saturday 13th January saw the third round of the series, the new year brought a softening of the forecast and the expectation for the full four back-to-back races with alternate double hander and single handers. Bartley SC was delighted to welcome many visiting sailors, making for some exciting competition with an entry of 40 double handers and over 50 single handed entries.

The day brought westerly 5/ 6 knts gusting to 12 knts that veered northerly at times during the day and kept race officers Steve Ward and team alert. The first double handed race started promptly at 11 o'clock setting the fleet off to make the most of the wind direction. The good mixed fleet from RS400 to Graduate, with Merlins, GP14 and Enterprise led to dynamic positioning with spinnaker boats having the advantage downwind. The head-to-head tussle at the front between Tom Gillard and Rachel Gray in their Merlin and Sam Knight and Chris Bownes in the RS400 changing places regularly as different tactical choices played out round the racecourse reflecting the characteristics of the different boats.

Tom and Rachel seemed able to find pressure when others struggled and took line honours, with the Merlins of Rich Adams and Rob Kennaugh chasing. The second race later in the day was met with sunshine and a consistent but shifty breeze. A general recall and a right shift on the second start challenged many but with Caroline Whithouse and daughter Sophie in the RS200 and Chris Martin and Josh Oates in a Scorpion able to squeeze out from the pin end for great starts. Caroline and Sophie pushed hard for fourth on corrected time, with Tom and Rachel taking line honours again leading Sam and Chis home followed by Rich Adams and Sean Anderson in a Merlin. It was great to see the junior crews starting to complete, with Anita and Saoirise in a 420, Dan and Matt Seaton in an RS400 and Lee and Rohan in RS200.

The single handers also had a successful day, only one recall! with wind holding reasonably well in the January sunshine. Upwind with Phantoms leading the way, but Supernova, ILCA, Solos, Comets all trying to point as high as the K1s making up the competitive fleet. The racing was close and making for exciting viewing for the spectators. Line hours in race one went to Duncan Adams followed by Matt Pritchard in Phantoms and Sam Knight 3rd in his Supernova. The pattern was repeated in Race 2. Mention should go to Jeremy Shinton and Chris Swallow in their K1s who mixed it up in both races.

The overall results saw Tom and Rachel win the double hander fleet, with Sam and Chris taking second. Third and fourth were the Merlins of Rich Adams and Sean Anderson followed by Rob Kennaugh and Andrew Prosser and first junior Isobel Keeling sailing the National 12 with dad Paul Keeling in 5th. In the single handers Sam Knight put in a dominant performance in his Supernova with Phantoms of Duncan Adams and Matt Prichard, and Jeremy Shinton in his K1 taking the top spots. Racing was very competitive through the fleets with the Phantoms finishing less than 2 seconds apart in both races and Sam winning in one by only 6 seconds on corrected time.

As the third leg of the series concludes, the overall results start to develop showing Chris Martin with Josh Oates leading the double handers and Duncan Adams in his Phantom leading the single handers, but with 2 discards to come when the last 2 races are sailed the picture could well change.

Thank-yous must be made to the duty crew who faced the challenges of setting courses in some shifty conditions as well as Tilly's galley for keeping us fed and the bar open as the day cooled. Thanks also to the work behind the scenes of all the people who make this event possible and the continued support of our sponsors. A mention to Sam Knight Chris Bownes who are leaving Bartley SC as Sam and family move South. We wish both well as they continue to enjoy their sailing.

Full results can be found on the website under results for open meetings or by following the [add link]. We look forward to seeing all for the final round the Beast 'Burn out' on 10th February for the final instalment of Bartley Beast, entries for the day remain open.

Day 3 Results:

Double Handers

PosHelmCrewClubBoat TypeSail NoPYR1R2Pts
2ndKNIGHT SamBOWNES ChrisBartley SCRS 4001504937224
3rdADAMS RichLARNER Jason / ANDERSON SeanMidland SCMERLIN‑ROCKET3765980336
5thKEELING PaulKEELING IsobelBlithfield SCNATIONAL 12346910646511
6thWHITEHOUSE CarolineDOWNING SophieBartley SCRS 2001184104610414
7thMARTIN ChrisTAILBY John / OATES JoshMidland SC/Bartley SCSCORPION196910418614
8thBIGGS MattJONES Beka / BENDER GeorgeBartley SCMERLIN‑ROCKET380198051015
9thHOMER MichaelHOMER AlexanderMidland SCGP1413204113171219
10thSMITH PhilCALTHORPE BillWest Kirby SCAlbacore8152104011819
11thYOUNG PaulKIMBER JanMidland SCEnterprise22901112291120
12thTHOMPSON MattTHOMPSON HeatherTewkesbury SCAlbacore8255104013922
13thEELES HowardGEM Justin / TomBartley SCMERLIN‑ROCKET3742980141428
14thHOLLIS PaulANDERSON ColinBartley SCMERLIN‑ROCKET3730980121830
15thHUDSON NigelHUDSON FreyaBartley SCMERLIN‑ROCKET3662980151631
16thBUDDEN KeithROBERTS BenBartley SCGP1413263113118.51331.5
17thPASS RodgerHARRIS SallyBartley SCGRADUATE29871132171532
18thEAVES NickKORBASCHI KourosBartley SCRS 4001450937161935
19thBAILEY SteveWALLACE JeremyThe Nottingham SCAlbacore58811040201737
20thLUCAS DavidTAYLOR RobynBartley SCMERLIN‑ROCKET358198018.52038.5
21stOATES ChrisBODDICE DanBartley SCAlbacore79921040212142
22ndSEATON DanielSEATON MattOlton Mere SC/Sea CadetsRS 4001163937232245
23rdVOADEN RichardCALEY StuartBartley SCRS 400792937242347
24thLEE EthanMEARES RohanOlton Mere SC/Sea CadetsRS 2005681046DNF W150
25thATKINS AnilaSMITH SaoiriseBartley SC42055845110022DNC63
26thFREEMAN LesleyHARRISON NickTrimpley SCGP14137801131DNCDNC82
26thHAWLEY SteveHAWLEY FfionBartley SCLARK24421073DNCDNC82
26thWARD SteveHopkins AlisonBartley SCGP14131461131DNCDNC82
26thSMITH MartinBESTON KarenRedditch SCAlbacore81871040DNCDNC82
26thARCHER AlanARCHER AndreaBartley SCTasar29341022DNCDNC82
26thSHINTON JeremyASHWORTH HarryBartley SCAlbacore81581040DNCDNC82
26thCHANDLER CharlieMILLS OllieTewksbury/Bartley SC5058881900DNCDNC82

Single Handers

PosHelmBoat TypeSail NoPYClubR1R2Pts
1stKNIGHT SamSupernova11921065Bartley SC112
2ndADAMS DuncanPhantom13701009Burton SC426
3rdPRITCHARD MattPhantom13011009Burton SC538
4thSHINTON JeremyK11391069Bartley SC358
5thSWALLOW ChrisK11811069Burton SC7411
6thNURSE RichardPhantom15001009Northampton SC6612
7thRIDGEWAY OllieLaser1867931086Bartley SC21315
8thDAWES JamesStreaker16411126Redditch SC8715
9thHARDIMAN SimonLaser2120611086Bartley SC10818
10thTHOMAS SteveLaser1655371086Bartley SC91221
11thJACKS TonyLIGHTNING 3684441162Bartley SC13922
12thRICKETTS SeanSupernova10731065Bartley SC11.51122.5
13thHARDIMAN MillieLASER RADIAL2120871147Bartley SC141024
14thWILLIAMS TomSupernova10951065Bartley SC11.51425.5
15thSTATHAM ChristineLaser1826271086Attenborough SC181634
16thELLIS ROSE JohnLaser151086Bartley SC211536
17thSTEPHEN StuartSupernova13051065Bartley SC201838
18thBELLAMY JonLaser2129061086Bartley SC231740
19thBONEHAM NeilSupernova11671065Bartley SC15DNC69
20thHIGSON JeremySupernova12671065Bartley SC16DNC70
21stSAUNDERS KenSupernova12251065Bartley SC17DNC71
22ndWOLSTENHOLME PaulLaser2049161086Bartley SC19DNC73
23rdPATTERSON JimSupernova12691065Bartley SC22DNC76
24thGIBSON MikeSupernova12571065Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thDEGGE DebbieStreaker21101126Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thKING GeoffK11381069Barnt Green SCDNCDNC108
24thPENNOCK DaveSupernova10451065Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thPENNOCK HelenRS AERO 920741010Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thAVERY CarlLaser1977741086Burton SCDNCDNC108
24thWHITEHOUSE MichaelSolo47051147Chelmarsh SCDNCDNC108
24thLING JohnLaser2214881086Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thBIRCH AlanK1141069Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thDAVIS AndyOK111104South Staffs SCDNCDNC108
24thGISSANE TomFINN591050Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thJUNG DeanLaser165471086Midland SCDNCDNC108
24thBOWNES AndySolo54011147Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thKNIGHT SamSupernova 1065Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thMORLEY KarlPhantom13451009Burton SCDNCDNC108
24thHARDIMAN MillieLASER 4.72154151208Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thALLEN HarrisonLASER RADIAL2135551147Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thHARDIMAN SimonLASER RADIAL2120611147Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thCRAIG NickOK22611104Frensham Pond SCDNCDNC108
24thHARDIMAN MillieLASER RADIAL2154151147Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thEAVES NickSolo57871147Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thWOOD JonSolo47721147Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thPETE JohnWINDSURFER882933Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thFROGGATT AdamPhantom14491009Chase SCDNCDNC108
24thBAILLIE AlastairLaser2099711086Bartley SCDNCDNC108
24thASLET‑CLARK MeganLaser1807931086UOBSCDNCDNC108
24thJELLICOE SteveSupernova12281065Olton Mere SCDNCDNC108
24thRUSSELL CraigSupernova11581065Olton Mere SCDNCDNC108
24thBICKLEY PaulSupernova10801065Olton Mere SCDNCDNC108

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