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Gul National 12 Series heads for Yorkshire Ouse next weekend

by Christian Day 27 May 2017 08:30 PDT 4 June 2017
A dozen National 12s compete in the 2004 Naburn Paddle © Jennie Clark

We very much hope that you will be able to join us at the 2017 GUL sponsored Naburn Paddle open meeting some classic summer river sailing on Sunday 4th June at Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club. River conditions mean that older and vintage boats are not at a disadvantage against newer boats.

Over the last few years winning boats have ranged from two years to over forty years old and it makes for interesting and exciting racing throughout the fleet. We have a trophy for vintage boats, and the event will be part of the national Vintage series, so dig out your Mk4as and Mk14s, your Sparklets and Starfish and give them a outing on the river.

Two out of three races are needed to count. The first points race, as well as counting towards the overall points for the Naburn Paddle, also has its own trophy, the Jubilee Cup. If wind permits, this will be a longer race down to the southern extremities of our sailing water at Naburn Lock.

Food will be on offer at lunchtime and other refreshments throughout the day. Knowing that long distance travellers often need to get away early, the prizegiving will be held promptly fifteen minutes after the last race ends to ensure an early departure is possible for those who need it. Those who don't need to rush off are invited to stay at the Club and enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea!

For more information, the NoR can be found on the National 12 website,

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