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Kieler Woche 2015 - Day 8

by Hermann Hell 27 Jun 2015 12:34 PDT 20-28 June 2015

The Kieler Woche is heading towards its final on Sunday, and the crews had a tough sailing program today to bring themselves into position for the race for the podium places. The head of organisation Dirk Ramhorst could register another "perfect day for great pictures". On the triangular courses in Schilksee, the tall ship parade also caused some exciting shots. "When the parade was just behind Friedrichsort, some of the ships were crossing the race course Hotel, so that the start had to be postponed. With the help of the coast guard we had to stand up in a Greenpeace manner for the racing sailors", stated Ramhorst.

It was the big cut for the 420 sailors on the second last day. For the end of the group races, the crews had to position themselves for the Gold, Silver and Bronze group. With only one crew in the top ten, the Germans have to fight back from the pursuing position. In the top position is the Irish duo Peter McCann/Harry Whitaker.

In the second largest youth group, the Saturday races were already part of the finals. The 29er fleet was turned upside down again after a day with much more wind. The British Crispin Beaumont/Tom Darling did take over the lead, the team from Kiel and Schleswig Gwendal Lamay/Luke Willim is currently on rank three.

On the last day, Kieler Woche record winner Wolfgang Hunger (Strande) still has to push hard. The 505 helmsman and his crew Julien Kleiner are now on rank three, while the former European Champion Meike Schomaeker/Holger Jess (Kiel/Eckernfoerde) did move all the way up in the ranking, followed by Joergen Bojsen-Moeller, FD Olympic winner from 1988, with his brother Jacob.

Condender sailor Max Billerbeck from Kollmar did say goodbye to the leading position for now. The current European Champion was leading the fleet for two days, followed by Dulong Andreasen (Denmark).

But "Danish Dynamite" would not ignite in all classes. Anna Livbjerg and Anna Munch had to let pass the French Sylvain Notonier in the Europe, who has increased his lead by quite a few points.

In the big J/24 fleet, positions changed. Ian Southworth, the only British crew among the 37 participating boats from five nations, is now in the top position. On board is the coach of the national German team David Howlett.

The brothers Helge and Christian Sach (Zarnekau) did face a double challenge on Saturday, first strengthening their leading position in the Formula18 and then starting for a speed challenge in front of the southern pier in the 20 feet catamaran. In the mixed Laser class, the women are leading. US-American Haddon Hughes is on rank one in the Radial, and Julia Buesselberg is leading in the 4.7.

Three more fleets are dominated by British sailors, Charlie Cumbley is leading in the OK dinghy, Phil Walker/John Mather in the RS800 skiff, and Ben Schooling in the Musto skiff.

Results for all classes at

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