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Laser EPS Open at Llangorse Sailing Club

by Robert Dangerfield 15 Oct 2003 06:41 PDT 11/12 October
Flying Scotsman, EPS sailor Robert Signal, leads the group at Llangorse © John Ticehurst

“From the sublime to the ridiculous” summarises the two extremes of conditions faced by the Laser EPS fleet in their open at Llangorse on 11/12 October. Committed “eepers” travelled from Scotland, Pembrokeshire, Merseyside and Surrey, to be confronted with the most taxing southerly light air conditions on day 1 – to perilously shifty gusts from the north east on day 2.

Race officer Nick Taylor could be seen shaking his head with a wry smile in disbelief at the seeming hopeless task of getting a pair of races going in the light stuff – and then, on day 2, at the carnage at the windward mark where the wind blew in every possible direction – in every possible volume. He and his team did a fantastic job – and a full regatta of 5 races was completed.

From a relatively unpromising start, local sailor, David Morgan nosed his eeper ahead in the light stuff, and on a short second upwind leg, in three quick tacks he sliced the Supernova fleet (5 minutes ahead) - like a thin pizza and placed himself way-ahead.

And in the heavy-stuff, David Morgan rode his steed with characteristic panache – a picture of harmony between man and beast – while many of the fleet were lucky to keep their feet in the stirrups of their bucking mules. Morgan was one of the few in the fleet who never got his ears wet – winning all 5 races.

Further down the fleet, the two Scotsmen – having travelled an unparalleled distance to take part – Robert Signer and Barry McLean – toughed it out with Steve Mitchell, (Plymouth), Simon Bates, (Cheshire) and the other local, Robert Dangerfield. The latter two displaying various permutations of synchronised gybing – with less than synchronised results.

This meeting demonstrated the EPS as a new class with an emerging fleet of committed followers. We will be looking to increase competitor numbers – both larger and smaller rigs – next year.

Overall Results:

PosHelmSail NoClub
1David Morgan180Llangorse SC
2Robert Signer106Glasgow
3Barry McLean206Renfrewshire
4Steve Mitchell174Plymouth
5Simon Bates135Wirral

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