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New Zealand SailGP Team announces its new identity

by Natalie Fortier/Sail-World NZ 11 Mar 14:17 PDT
The Black Foils is the newly announced/adopted identity of the New Zealamd SailGP Team © NZ Sail GP

The New Zealand SailGP Team its announced its new identity - Black Foils.

Inspired by New Zealand's sporting excellence, the Black Foils signify a bold new chapter for the team ahead of its long-awaited home event.

The name reflects the style adopted by leading New Zealand teams including the All Blacks (Rugby), Black Sticks (Hockey),and Black Caps (Cricket).

New Zealand wing trimmer and co-CEO Blair Tuke said: "Black Foils embodies the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines our team. New Zealand sport has a longstanding affinity with the colour black, it symbolises strength, courage, passion and resilience - values that are all integral to our team and what we stand for."

Driver and co-CEO Peter Burling added: "The Black Foils represent the spirit of New Zealand. We're a nation of pioneers, achievers, and ocean lovers. The foils are what allow us to fly above the water at speeds of up to 100km/hr -they represent innovation and progression in our sport."

Established by Burling and Tuke in 2020, the New Zealand SailGP Team entered the global racing championship in Season 2 and is now one of the most formidable teams in the fleet. Regularly jostling at the top of the leaderboard, New Zealand finished second overall in Season 3 and is currently second in the overall season standings, eight points behind Australia.

The adoption of Black Foils comes midway through a breakthrough season for one of the world's fastest-growing sports and entertainment properties. SailGP has recorded unstoppable growth in New Zealand and around the world - last year's ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Christchurch was watched by more than 400,000 Kiwis, and New Zealand has tripled its digital following so far this season.

Burling said he hoped the new identity would provide a rallying cry for fans new and old: "New Zealand sailing fans are among the most passionate in the world, and we hope this identity is one our supporters can get behind - whether cheering us on in Lyttelton, or watching us halfway across the globe," said Burling.

Black Foils is part of a wider strategic movement within the SailGP global championship for teams to develop unique identities to complement national markers, with a phased rollout across this and subsequent seasons.

The New Zealand SailGP Team continues to race for purpose alongside its charity partner Live Ocean Foundation, using the power of sport and the platform of SailGP to raise awareness for the need for collective action to protect and restore the ocean.

Tuke said: "Live Ocean has been part of our team's DNA since its inception, and our dedication to protecting and restoring the ocean is more important than ever."

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